Monday Encouragement Devotional from

“[Jesus] understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin. So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.
Hebrews 4:15-16 (NLT)

As pastors, we often feel the need to wear a mask, pretending to be people we’re not. We fear that if we show our vulnerabilities, our congregation might question our leadership. This fear of rejection can be overwhelming.

But God will never reject us.

Even when we disobey him and hurt him, he still tells us, “You can come back!” He will receive us, not reject us, when we humbly confess to him.

The Bible says, “Even if my father and mother abandon me, the Lord will hold me close . . . My enemies are waiting for me . . . Yet I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living” (Psalm 27:10-11, 13 NLT).

As pastors, our mistakes often seem magnified, and we can be overwhelmed with guilt. But there is good news! God is the God of second chances for us, too. Why? Because he is a good and gracious Father.

Now, because God is always good and gracious, we can be bold and confident when we pray. We don’t have to come slinking in to God with our tail between our legs. We can just come and say, “God, you know I blew it—that’s who I am. But you are a good Father—that’s who you are. And it’s who you are that matters.”

“[Jesus] understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin. So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most” (Hebrews 4:15-16 NLT).

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