One day, there will be an audit on your ministry.
On that day, you will need to answer for how you spent your time and influence as a leader.
It doesn’t matter how much or how little influence you have.
God’s church is filled with leaders at every level of influence and of economic and educational status.
What matters is what you do with what you’ve been given and if God can trust you with more.
You’re not going to live on earth forever.
You weren’t meant to! But God has entrusted certain assets to you to manage while you’re here.
He is watching you and testing you and wants to see how you handle what you’ve been given.
When your time as a manager on earth ends one day, you will give an account for what God entrusted to you.
The Bible says, “Each of us will give an account of ourselves to God” (Romans 14:12 NIV).
What are you doing with the mind he gave you?
What are you doing with the health he gave you?
What are you doing with the freedom he gave you?
Are you investing those things in what will last forever?
Decide now what you want your ministry to be about, and then start making choices that show God you want to focus on what really matters.
When you use what he has given you to make an eternal difference, you will hear God say to you someday, “Well done.”