Have you ever made a difficult decision in ministry, only to find yourself second-guessing it afterwards?
Maybe it was a choice about restructuring your staff, starting a new ministry initiative, or finding a more appropriate assignment for a ministry leader. You agonized over it. You kept asking yourself if you did the right thing.
The Bible says that, when you do this, you’re like a wave pushed around in a storm. You have so many doubts, and you get tossed about because you’re depending on your wisdom, not God’s.
This is why God wants you to ask him for guidance before you make a decision, and then trust him and his goodness once the decision is made.
When you do, he’ll set you free from second-guessing yourself.
Here’s the good news: Even if the winds of ministry keep changing (and they do!) and the future looks uncertain, you don’t have to be blown to and fro. Put your faith in God and God alone.
Otherwise, James says your loyalty will be divided between God and the world. In some translations of James 1:8, this divided loyalty is rendered as “double-minded.” This comes from a Greek word that means “two-souled.” It’s about being pulled in opposite directions. It’s about being indecisive, wavering back and forth.
James says you shouldn’t expect God to give you his wisdom if you’re constantly second-guessing yourself.
Double-mindedness creates an unstable ministry. It blocks your prayers and keeps you from receiving God’s wisdom.
God wants to give you wisdom! When you unequivocally trust him in uncertain times—in all times—he will give you everything you need to make wise decisions.