“[Jesus] said to them, ‘My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here
and keep watch with me.’”
Matthew 26:38 (NIV)

When we think about Jesus, we often think about his miracles. 

We think about him teaching thousands. 

We think about him dying for our sins—and rising from the dead on that first Easter morning.

But we don’t usually think about Jesus relaxing.

That’s too bad because it’s one of the reasons Jesus was able to live stress-free—despite all the demands upon his life.

Over the last few weeks, we’ve been sharing with you six principles of how Jesus managed stress:

1. Identification: Know who you are
2. Motivation: Know whose approval you are living for
3. Vocation: Know your calling
4. Concentration: Focus on what matters most
5. Meditation: Listen to God
6. Collaboration: Join a small group

The seventh and final one is the Principle of Recreation.

Pastor, you have important work to do, but it’s not more important than the work Jesus had. Yet he still took time to relax, go to parties, and just have fun.

The Bible says, “Crowds of people were coming and going so that Jesus and his followers did not even have time to eat. He said to them, ‘Come away by yourselves, and we will go to a lonely place to get some rest’” (Mark 6:31 NCV).

In Mark 6, Jesus and the disciples didn’t even have time to eat because they were so busy. 

But Jesus looked at his small group and said, “Guys, you deserve a break today. So let’s get away.”
If Jesus can rest and relax, so can we.

In fact, God thought rest and relaxation was so important, he put it in the Ten Commandments. 

Right along with commands to not murder, commit adultery, or steal, God tells us to take one out of every seven days to worship and rest.

If you’re too busy to take time off, you’re simply too busy—and likely too stressed. So, pull away and take time to enjoy life.

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