Monday Encouragement

“The Lord gave us mind and conscience;
we cannot hide from ourselves.”
Proverbs 20:27 (GNT)

Pastor, do you struggle with guilt?

We all do at times. Guilt keeps us stuck in the past. 
Guilt can also ruin your ministry if you let it.
How do you move on and get rid of it? You start by admitting your guilt. Don’t bury it, don’t deny it, and don’t ignore it. Just own up to it!
Even though we know this truth, we still try to run from our guilt. But when you run from guilt, it’s going to catch up with you. Because wherever you go, you take you with you.
The problem is in your mind!
No matter how busy you are or how far away you run, you’re going to be just as stressed if your stress is coming from regrets, shame, or guilt. When you finally slow down, all those feelings will come crashing down on you.

God doesn’t want you to live that way.
The Bible says you can’t run from yourself: “The Lord gave us mind and conscience; we cannot hide from ourselves” (Proverbs 20:27 GNT). You may be able to hide your guilt from everybody else, but you can’t hide it from yourself.
We all have an amazing ability to lie to ourselves. You say it’s not bad when it really is bad, and it’s getting better when it isn’t getting any better. You might tell yourself you’re further along and better than you really are.
To stop defeating yourself, you have to stop deceiving yourself. You have to tell yourself the truth.
What is it that defeats us? All kinds of things—worry, envy, bitterness, jealousy, guilt, fear, anxiety, and insecurity.
It may be time to do a spiritual cleaning day. 
A lot of people take time in the spring to go through the house and give it an extra scrubbing or organize things that are normally neglected. But spiritually speaking, you don’t need to wait for the spring. At least once a year, take a personal inventory of your spiritual condition.
How do you do that?

Set aside a couple of hours and go somewhere by yourself with paper and a pen. Reflect on the following questions: “God, I want you to bring to mind all my sin. Where have I messed up? What mistakes have I made? What do I feel guilty about, either consciously or unconsciously?”
If you genuinely repent of your sins to God and are honest with yourself, God’s Spirit will start bringing these things to mind. Then, start writing them down.
Why do you have to write it down? Because writing it down helps you to be specific and avoid denying those problems.
Take a spiritual cleaning day this week and get rid of the guilt that’s been weighing you down.

Take a moment to worship...

Pastor, the Saddleback Worship team has just released a new song titled "Rhythm With You."

Whatever you're doing right now... take a moment to slow down and spend time with God. 

“Rhythm With You” is an anthem of joy and celebration that we get to live in tune with the Spirit of God. He is alive and working in us and through us daily! 🙌

Stream it now by clicking on the button below.

The Saddleback Worship team wants to bless your ministry through this new song by giving you the the following resources for the single, "Rhythm With You":

- Lyric Sheets 
- Chord Charts 
- Rhythm Charts 
- Lead Sheets

Stay tuned for Saddleback Worship's team new album,
"Alive & Well," which drops on September 3!

Behind the Album...

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Worship Pastor at Saddleback Church, John Cassetto, encouraged his team to use that season to hear the voice of the Lord and prioritize songwriting.

With the only agenda being to chase the heart of God, the team wrote 3-5 drafts a week, allowing themselves to truly capture what God was telling them. 

In that season of darkness and isolation, the Saddleback Worship team really felt God calling them to sing about the invitation for the wanderer to come home.

To come home from the darkness and into God’s light and abundant life.

The team’s new album, Alive & Well, is a declaration of God being alive in our hearts and in our communities.

The foundation of this album rests on Romans 8:11, “And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you” (NIV).

Alive & Well has quickly become Saddleback’s anthem as it has cultivated a culture of faith among church members.

Jesus is alive at Saddleback Church. He is reviving dead hearts, restoring marriages and families, breaking the chains of addiction, and comforting the lonely, depressed, and the hurting.

And he is alive and well at your church, pastor.

Whether you are aware of it or not, there are people in your church who desperately need a resurrection… in their relationships, finances, work, or health.

They need to be reminded that the “Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead” is living in them and is capable of restoring their dead dreams and hopes.

And Saddleback Worship team’s new music album will equip your worship team with songs of hope and new life—and encouragement your members need to hear from the Lord.

Share this powerful album with your worship leaders and remind your congregation that Jesus is alive and well in their lives!

Album release date: September 3

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