Monday Encouragement

“The wise man looks ahead. The fool attempts to fool himself and won’t face facts.”
Proverbs 14:8 (TLB)

Many leaders start out well in ministry, but some end up facing challenges because they didn’t plan for the pitfalls of life.
As we make plans for the future, we need to be aware of the inevitable pitfalls, such as cultural distractions, negative voices, tempting shortcuts, and discouraging delays. 
Just look at the life of Noah in the Bible. He faced numerous obstacles after God told him to build the ark. But with God’s help, he overcame them—and you can too.
God may not give you a goal as audacious as building an ark, but you can certainly expect him to give you a big goal over the next 10 years of your ministry.

The Bible says, “The wise man looks ahead. The fool attempts to fool himself and won’t face facts” (Proverbs 14:8 TLB). 

By looking ahead, we’ll not only be prepared to spot the pitfalls when they come into our lives, we’ll also be equipped to make plans that help us become the leaders God wants us to be.
Ask God to help you establish daring goals for the next decade of your ministry.

Then, you’ll be ready to move forward and learn how to handle potential pitfalls that could keep you from getting where God wants you to go.

Alive & Well

Saddleback Worship's new album is now available!

Behind the Album...

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Worship Pastor at Saddleback Church, John Cassetto, encouraged his team to use that season to hear the voice of the Lord and prioritize songwriting.

With the only agenda being to chase the heart of God, the team wrote 3-5 drafts a week, allowing themselves to truly capture what God was telling them. 

In that season of darkness and isolation, the Saddleback Worship team really felt God calling them to sing about the invitation for the wanderer to come home.

To come home from the darkness and into God’s light and abundant life.

The team’s new album, Alive & Well, is a declaration of God being alive in our hearts and in our communities.

The foundation of this album rests on Romans 8:11, “And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you” (NIV).

Alive & Well has quickly become Saddleback’s anthem as it has cultivated a culture of faith among church members.

Jesus is alive at Saddleback Church. He is reviving dead hearts, restoring marriages and families, breaking the chains of addiction, and comforting the lonely, depressed, and the hurting.

And he is alive and well at your church, pastor.

Whether you are aware of it or not, there are people in your church who desperately need a resurrection… in their relationships, finances, work, or health.

They need to be reminded that the “Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead” is living in them and is capable of restoring their dead dreams and hopes.

And Saddleback Worship's new music album will encourage you, your ministry team, and your congregation with songs of hope and new life.

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